Fun Things to do in Atlanta

Fun Things to do in Atlanta
top beaches in Georgia
The city of Atlanta is without a doubt, one of the most popular places to visit in Georgia and one of the most lively cities in the southern US.

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Atlanta Georgia, the city enjoys lovely all-round weather, moderate cost of living, activities and entertainment to suit every lifestyle.

Fun Things to do in Atlanta: Nature Outdoor Activities

The city of Atlanta is home to beautiful natural scenery where you can enjoy fun nature outdoor activities.

Activities such as hiking, fishing and kayaking are some of the fun things to do in Atlanta Georgia.

The Chattahoochee National Forest is one of the best places in Atlanta to enjoy outdoor activities as it offers trails, scenic drives, boating and camping facilities.

Also, Lake Lanier, along the Chattahoochee, is a great place where you can enjoy jet skiing.

Fun Things to do in Atlanta: Sport activities

Two of the most popular fun things to do in Atlanta is to experience a game of baseball andAmerican football, even if you’re not a sports fan.

If you don’t want to actually attend the game, places such as Falcons landing, by the Georgia Dome, offers a great atmosphere where you can listen to live bands and sample some good food before the game kicks-off.

Fun Things to do in Atlanta: Nightlife

If you’re looking for entertainment and enjoying Atlanta’s nightlife, Underground Atlanta is home to some of best bars and nightclubs in Downtown Atlanta.

For instance, Kenny’s Alley is home to a variety of themed bars and restaurants and is the only place in Georgia where clubs and bars are open until 4 am and patrons are allowed to walk from club to another with drinks in hand.

Fun Things to do in Atlanta: Cultural attractions


* The African-American Museum (Apex) is a popular Atlanta museum home to photographs, interactive exhibits and extensive information on the history of African-America culture in Atlanta Georgia.

* The Atlanta History Center is home to interactive exhibits such as the Civil War audio tour where you can learn about American history.

Festivals/ Events

Underground Atlanta is also home to great annual events such as the:

* Heritage Arts Festival, held in July, is a great place to learn about African-American culture, see art exhibitions, enjoy live entertainment and sample lovely food.

* Atlanta’s Montreux Jazz Festival, held each Labor Day weekend, is a great place to experience a variety of music genres and see local groups perform at the venue.

* Peachtree Latino Festival, held in August, features hundreds of exhibitions, family activities, sporting events, ethnic foods and outdoor musical performances.

* Peach Drop event, where you can see the massive peach being dropped down a 200 feet light tower, is one of the most popular events held in New Years Eve.

Fun Things to do in Atlanta: Shopping/ Dining

If you’re visiting the city for the first time and looking for interesting places to visit in Georgia, the Underground Atlanta by the day is home to over a hundred unique retail stores where you can shop for clothing items as well as souvenirs.

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